Placement Cell | Blastline - Marino
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Placement Cell

The Blastline Institute Placement Cell is dedicated to empowering graduates with the tools and connections they need to launch successful careers in the maritime and petrochemical industries.

Working With the Best Clients and Partners

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Recent Placements

Employer Services

At Blastline Institute, we are dedicated to shaping industry leaders of tomorrow. Our rigorous academic programs, coupled with a strong focus on practical application, prepare our students to excel in their chosen fields. We understand that finding the right talent is crucial for your organization's success. That's where Blastline Institute's Placement Cell comes in.


Here's what we offer:

  • Top-Tier Talent Pool: We consistently attract high-caliber students with exceptional academic records and a passion for their fields.

  • Industry-Ready Graduates: Our curriculum is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, ensuring our graduates possess the skills and knowledge your organization needs to thrive.

  • Streamlined Recruitment Process: Our dedicated placement team will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and facilitate a smooth and efficient recruitment experience.


By partnering with Blastline Institute's Placement Cell, you gain access to a pool of highly motivated and qualified graduates eager to contribute to your organization's growth.


A PDMII certified candidate will be ideally suitable for job roles such as :
·  Marine Hull Inspector 
·  Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement - Supervisor/Operator
·  Marine NDT Inspector/Supervisor/Technician.
·  Marine Surveyor
·  Shipbuilding Project Coordinator
·  Ship Repair Supervisor
·  Junior Estimator
·  Marine Draftsman
·  Marine Coating Supervisor
·  Marine Fabrication/Welding Supervisor
·  Marine Piping Supervisor.
They will also be generally capable of handling roles such as :

·  General or NDT Technician / Supervisor / Inspector
·  QC Documents controller (DC).
·  QC Production coordinator
·  PMI Inspector ( Positive Material Identification )


We invite you to explore the possibilities. Contact us today to learn more about our placement services and how we can help you build a successful future for your organization.

Employers Enquiry Form

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